The Statistical Atlases and Computational Modeling of the Heart (STACOM) workshop has been running annually at MICCAI since 2010. The 15th edition of STACOM workshop is going to be held in conjunction with the MICCAI 2024 in Marrakesh, Morocco. The STACOM workshop is aiming to create a collaborative forum for young/senior researchers (engineers, biophysicists, mathematicians) and clinicians, working on: statistical analysis of cardiac morphology and dynamics, computational modelling of the heart and fluid dynamics, data/models sharing, personalisation of cardiac electro-mechanical models, quantitative image analysis and translational methods into clinical practice.


Cardiac MRI Reconstruction Challenge

The objective of establishing the Cardiac MRI Reconstruction challenge is to provide a benchmark that enables the broader research community to contribute to the important work of accelerated CMR imaging with universal approaches that allow more diverse applications and better performance in real-world deployment in various environments. There are two tasks in this challenge: multi-contrast CMR reconstruction and random sampling CMR reconstruction.

For more information: click here

Multiclass Bi-Atrial Segmentation Challenge

Building from the 2018 left atrium challenge, this Multi-class Bi-Atrial Segmentation (MBAS) challenge broadens to include both left and right atriums as well as their walls, focusing on multi-class machine learning from LGE-MRIs to enhance ablation for atrial fibrillation patients. The challenge objective is to benchmark methods for segmentation and biomarker identification, such as atrium volume and fibrosis, using 200 multi-center 3D LGE-MRIs with each scan meticulously labelled by three experts.

For more information: click here